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Sunday, December 4, 2011

TSA keeps pregnant woman from plane over her purse

Published: 03 December, 2011, 01:42
Vanessa Gibbs
Vanessa Gibbs
TAGS: ArmsChildrenLawLifestyleUSA

Was it a crime against fashion or a crime against the feds? Either way, 17-year-old Vanessa Gibbs is outraged that TSA officials wouldn’t let her board a plane at the Norfolk, Virginia airport — because of her purse.
Gibbs tells WJXT-TV from her hometown of Jacksonville, Florida that she had no problem getting to Virginia. On the way back, however, officers with the Transportation Security Administration at Norfolk International Airport threw a fit over her fashion accessory — a small purse that is decorated with a tiny, bedazzled gun.
To clarify, it wasn’t a real gun; nor did it look like a gun. To clarify, it was a purse.
"It's my style. It's camouflage. It has an old western gun on it," Gibbs tells the TV station.
A female agent with the TSA wasn’t so understanding.
"She was like, 'This is a federal offense because it's in the shape of a gun.' I'm like, 'But it's a design on a purse. How is it a federal offense?'"
The TSA told the girl that she couldn’t board the plane with her purse because replica weapons have been outlawed on the aircraft for almost a decade. Gibbs says that they should have exercised a bit of common sense with this case, though.
“It’s a purse, not a weapon,” she says.
The hold-up escalated long enough for Gibbs, who is expecting a child, to miss her flight back home. Although her mother was waiting for her in Jacksonville, her only option became a last-minute trip to Orlando.
“I was on the phone all the way to Orlando trying to figure out what was going on with her. It was terrifying. I don't ever want to go through it again,” adds Tami Gibbs.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Update On Montana West Winter Boots

The New Styles of Montana West Winter Boots did not take off as fast as the Faith Boots but have gained momentum. The sixes have dwindled down but there is good news. We have another truck running next Tuesday. Thats December 6th Central Standard Time. So if you need to replenish your stock of these popular winter boots set your PostIt Notes for this date.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

NEW! Montana West Winter Boots Updated Nov. 18th

This is the day we all have been waiting for at The Purse House. Although the Montana West Faith boot will not be coming back out till next winter. Montana West has answered all our prayers with their newest fashion. After much pleading with management. These new styles are available in 6's also. Kudos goes to Montana West. At first these Winter Boots from Montana West were only available in 7's, 8's, 9's and 10's. Now we have size 6's. So turn that frown back into a smile and hurry on up here to The Purse House and let us get those feet warm for you.

Montana West Fringe Winter Boots FGT-BTS002 Various Colors
New! Montana West Emboridery Design Winter Boots AMR-BTS002 Various Colors